
Tobacco Cessation
Making the decision to quit smoking is not easy, but you do not have to go at it alone. There are many cessation resources available for both students and employees who are interested in quitting and many are free. Please look below for a list of resources to help you on your cessation journey and check back often for updated information.
Faculty/Staff Resources
Impact Solutions Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- All full-time employees and part-time Union 1199 members
- Members receive up to five free counseling sessions plus tools and suggested resources to assist with tobacco cessation
- Quit Center
- Available to employees enrolled in the MMO plan offered through the College
- Caremark-eligible employees may receive one prescription for nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
- Call IMPACT Solutions for assistance with any personal problems that affect your health or your work (EAP benefit).
Faculty/Staff and Students Resources
Campus and Community Recreation Centers
- Did you know that exercising can help alleviate the physical and psychological cravings that make it difficult to quit smoking? Stop by the campus recreation center today!
American Lung Association® - Freedom from Smoking®
Cleveland Clinic Smoking Cessation Program
- Utilize professional health services to assist in quitting. - FREE
National Cancer Institute Live Chat
- Need to speak to someone for support? Chat live!
Become an Ex - FREE
- Re-learn healthy habits and fight addiction with the help of a supportive community.
ADAMHS Board of Cuyahoga County (Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Services)
- Receive accurate information regarding tobacco use.
Helping a Smoker Quit: Do’s and Don’ts
- Know a smoker and want to help them quit? Here are the best ways to help them on their journey.
Ohio Department of Health - Tobacco Cessation Tools
- Additional tools to assist in quitting.
Ohio Partners for Smoke Free Families (OPSFF): A Prenatal Smoking Cessation Program
- Smoking while pregnant can cause poor pregnancy results, resulting in health issues with your expecting child. Get support now.
FDA Approved Smoking Cessation Products
- There are products to assist you in quitting. Check out these FDA approved products.